Replacing your bathroom bathtub with a new model is actually not that complicated. In fact, some people get to accomplish the task by themselves with the assistance of friends or housemates. The process is very simple. Here is a list of instructions on how you can achieve doing the replacement without having to hire a professional:
Prepping the area
The first thing you should do is to prep the area to make sure that you will be safe. The area must be free from objects and people that may obstruct the way you move while working on your bathtub. Make sure there is enough room to move your body and the bathtub around. Make sure you wear protective gear. Make sure you have all the tools you need within reach. Shut down the power and water source before you do the installation.
Remove the faucet, drain, and other fixtures
With the water shut off, you can now safely remove the faucet, drain, and other fixtures in your bathtub. Remember to be aware of what type of drain you have. Some drains have different parts that need to be dealt with carefully. Most bathtubs have drains that can be easily unscrewed. Remove the drain flange and use a screwdriver to disconnect the overflow and waste valve. Next, you should loosen the nut connecting to the drain pipe and lift out the whole section. Now you can remove the tub spout.

Removing the tub from your wall
Remove the screws and nails that are securing the tub to the wall. You can do this with a utility knife or a pry bar. You can use this chance to trim any molding on the alcove of your bathtub. You can also check the caulk in the area also if it needs any cleaning.
Disposing of the old bathtub
When doing this step, you should have one or two assistants to help you out. Some bathtubs can be very heavy (depending on the material) and would just be impossible to handle by one person. You can choose to remove the whole tub in one piece if you have a fiberglass or acrylic bathtub. If you are doing a full bathroom remodeling, you can just sledgehammer the whole thing to break it into smaller pieces.
Installing the new bathtub
Do the necessary measurements to ensure that there is enough space for your new bathtub. Use deck screws to fasten the tub. Attach the overflow drain on your new bathtub. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Use some plumber putty to wrap the bottom of your new drain flange. The next thing you should worry about is to connect the drain or overflow valve. Position the rubber gasket on the overflow elbow pipe behind the bathtub. The connection with the overflow valve and drain must form a “T”. Lastly, install the drain strainer. Once the plumbing is all sorted out, move the bathtub into place carefully. Make sure that all pipes are connected and arranged well and that they are tightened. Then reattach your faucets and other fixtures. Make sure to test your plumbing first before you secure your bathtub’s position with roofing nails.
When should you hire a professional?
You should get a professional instead if this will be the first time you are replacing a bathtub. You may be great at DIY projects but installing a bathtub entails working with pipes and plumbing too.
Also, you should just have a professional install it if the newer bathtub means you have to move your plumbing and pipes. This gives an extra cost for you but doing it yourself and ultimately doing a bad job will just put a huge unexpected dent on your expenses.
If your bathroom is too small or you have a complex setup that there is no way for you to find space to do the reinstallation and removal yourself, let the professionals handle the job.